Daily Gold Market Report

Gold pushes higher in Fed aftermath
JPMorgan sees gold hitting ‘fresh records in 2024’

(USAGOLD – 7/27/2023) – Gold pushed higher in the aftermath of yesterday’s Fed hike and press conference. It is up $5 at $1978.50. Silver is up 13¢ at $25.12. The market reaction to yesterday’s events was generally subdued as Chairman Powell emphasized future decisions would be data-driven leaving market sentiment pretty much where it was prior to the meeting – up in the air and open to interpretation.

JP Morgan sees the Fed turning dovish by the second quarter of next year – a shift it believes will push gold to new record levels during 2024. “We’re in a very prime place,” says Greg Shearer, the firm’s director of commodities research, “where we think gold ownership and long allocation to gold and silver is something that acts as both a late cycle diversifier and something that will perform as we look to the next sort of 12, 18 months.… There is an eagerness here to really buy in and diversify allocation away from currencies.” [Source: Yahoo!Finance-Bloomberg]

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