Fisc­her’s teach­ing will influ­ence cent­ral banks for many years to come

Financial Times/Robin Wigglesworth/2-16-2023

graphic image of a book and reading glasses A Good Weekend ReadStan­ley Fisc­her retired from his stint as the vice­chair of the Fed­eral Reserve more than five years ago. But the likely appoint­ment of another of the former Mas­sachu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy pro­fessor’s protégés as the head of a lead­ing cent­ral bank serves as a reminder that Fisc­her and the the­or­ies that he and his stu­dents have developed remain ten­ets of mod­ern cent­ral bank­ing.”

USAGOLD note: A revealing inside look at the intellectual origins of modern central banking……

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