Is gold too expensive?

Eurasia Review/Claudio Grass/3-23-2022

cartoon of two happy travelers driving over cliff in car“Now, while these are the sort of arguments I would usually bring up in conversations about ‘how high is too high’ when it comes to the gold price, the events of the last two years have made [me] realize that there [is] so much more to this question and led me to reconsider the way I answer these questions. It really does go a lot deeper than a comparison between gold and stocks, or considering the better ‘play’ for one’s portfolio performance. The real counter-question now is ‘what is your peace of mind worth’? I’ve always outlined this deeper way of thinking about this issue, and I’ve always found many who agreed with me among the rational, responsible, long-term gold investors.”

USAGOLD note: Claudio Grass, a Swiss-based investment advisor who looks favorably upon gold, addresses a question he sometimes gets from first-time investors looking into gold: Is the metal simply too expensive at current prices? His standard reply, he says, is “expensive compared to what?” But then per above, he digs a bit deeper ……

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