Stoeferle interviews Pozsar

GoldBroker/Ronnie Stoeferle/7-4-2023

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“Yes, I think [central bank gold buying] is going to accelerate. I think reserve management practices, the way central banks manage their foreign exchange reserves, is going to go through transformative change over the next five to ten years. There are a number of reasons for this. One reason is that geopolitics is a big theme again; we are living through a period of ‘great power’ conflict.” – Zoltan Pozsar

USAGOLD note: If you are in the mood for a deep dive into the complexities of global finance, you will find much to consider in this interview with Zoltan Pozsar. “I think gold is going to have a very special meaning, simply because gold is coming back on the margin as a reserve asset and as a settlement medium for interstate capital flows.” The old becomes the new.

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