The Fed doesn’t know how to fight inflation and we’re in for a bout of economic malpractice

FoxNews/Steve Forbes/3-31-2022

image showing the blur of high speed money printing press running at full tilt“Unfortunately, our central bank and all too many economists have long embraced the idea that manipulating interest rates can keep the economy running smoothly with inflation clocking in at a low rate of 2% or less. It’s hubris of the highest order to think that a handful of people in Washington can guide an economy where 300 million people a day make billions of buy and sell decisions.”

USAGOLD note: Forbes, a former presidential candidate and publisher of Forbes magazine, leaves nothing in the bag with this shot across the Fed’s bow. He says the central bank “has created a potentially catastrophic time bomb” through its reverse repo program and the money creation policy that goes along with it.

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