The Fed is playing with fire

Project Syndicate/Stephen S. Roach/1-24-2022

graphic image of 1970s reducs coming soon to an economy near you“That problem, of course, is inflation. Like the Fed I worked at in the early 1970s under Arthur Burns, today’s policymakers once again misdiagnosed the initial outbreak. The current upsurge in inflation is not transitory or to be dismissed as an outgrowth of idiosyncratic COVID-19-related developments. It is widespread, persistent, and reinforced by wage pressures stemming from an unprecedentedly sharp tightening of the US labor market. Under these circumstances, the Fed’s continued refusal to change course would have been an epic policy blunder.”

USAGOLD note: Roach makes several references to the 1970s in this article – a time increasingly being compared to our own.

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