Gold: Good riddance 2021’s hangover and ‘inflation fail’

Bullion Vault/Adrian Ash/12-29-2021

graphic cartoonish glittery gold bar“Private investors and money managers bought unprecedented quantities of bullion and gold-backed ETFs as the Covid Crisis began in 2020, and new inflows in 2021 have naturally lagged that surge, even as pundits and headline writers pointed at inflation and declared that ‘Gold is broken!’ Yes, the vast bulk of last year’s allocations remain in place, showing confidence in gold’s role as long-term portfolio insurance.”

USAGOLD note: When quantifying the long-term prospects for gold, it is sensible to keep things in perspective, as Adrian Ash does in this entertaining year-end review and outlook. In the end, gold is really portfolio insurance more than it is a speculative investment. On that score, its long-term value as a hedge against depreciating currencies is a matter of record.

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