The Hungarian 20 Korona gold coin is popular for its history, beauty and the old-world aura it projects. First minted in 1892 to commemorate the Hapsburg Franz Joseph’s 1867 crowning as emperor of Austria-Hungary, the Hungarian 20 Korona coin depicts the emperor on the obverse and angels attending the Hungarian coat of arms on the reverse. It is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful of all of the historic European gold coin designs.
Historical Note: Franz Joseph became emperor of Austria, which controlled Hungary along with much of central Europe, in 1848 at the age of 18. It was during his reign that the old Hungarian Constitution was restored, and Franz Joseph was accordingly also crowned King of Hungary in 1867, creating the dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. The two realms were governed separately with two parliaments and two administrations, but a common monarch, military and foreign office.
Hungary’s tragic inflationary nightmare (1946) that followed World War II is generally considered by scholars to be the most virulent episode of hyperinflation in history – one that dwarfs in scale the better-known German experience of the 1920’s. In face, the Hungarian hyperinflations holds the record for the largest denomination bank note ever issued by a central bank – 100 quintillion pengo.
In addition, history’s largest monthly inflation rate was posted by Hungary in that period at 41.9 quadrillion percent – prices were doubling every thirtenn and half hours. The cause of the inflation was the same as the cause of every other inflationay debacle in history, i.e. the government’s uncontrolledand mismanaged issuance of paper currency. Some historians believe that the Hungarian hyperinflation was instigate by Marxists who were determined to destory Hungary’s middle and upper classes. Whatever, the causes, if you happened to have been a Hungarian citizen who had the wisdom to own the nations most famous gold coin, the Hungarian 20 Korona offered here, you would have survived the debacle, and, in fact, probably prospered.
.1960 troy ounce
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