A split Fed likely to zoom in on February data

NewsMax Finance/Reuters/2-14-2022

photograph of a row of doves“U.S. Federal Reserve officials continued sparring over how aggressively to begin upcoming interest rate increases at their March meeting, with a final inflation reading just ahead of the two-day session taking on potentially outsized importance.”

USAGOLD note: The apolitical Fed is looking very political these days if one reads between the lines in this NewsMax article. It used to be that Wall Street relied on the Fed to do what was best for the economy while resisting political pressure from either the White House or Congress. It seems, these days, that Wall Street is just as interested in easy money as the politicians. The motivation for that position is not difficult to discern. The Board itself, particularly with the new appointees weighed in the balance, comes down decisively on the dovish side of the ledger, and that should figure largely in investors’ long-term portfolio planning.

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