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Gold Trends and Indicators
Live charts that make it easy to monitor gold market history and correlations

Map of world colored gold - www.usagold.com Member World Wide Web since 1997

Our Gold Trends and Indicators page was first constructed many years ago to serve a specific need. At the time, there was no single place a client, or prospective client, could go to monitor statistical categories and correlations relevant to gold ownership. This page filled that need with interactive, automatically updating charts that featured gold’s annual returns; one-year, ten-year, and long-term price charts; correlations like gold and the purchasing power of the dollar, gold and the S&P 500 and gold and the volatility index (to name a few); and, real rates of return over the long term on gold and the dollar. It remains a favorite reference among serious investors and students of the gold market to this day. We believe it to be particularly useful to the prospective gold buyer who wants to understand the history of gold under various circumstances as part of the due diligence process.

Gold Trends and Indicators is another of the quiet pages at USAGOLD that garners significant global interest particularly when the market is moving or breaking news warrants more than average interest. We also invite you to return here regularly – to this Live Daily Newsletter page – for up-to-the-minute gold market news, opinion, and analysis as it happens.

We have recently added to new correlation charts:

• The Misery Index and Gold
• The Fed’s Balance Sheet and Gold


We invite you to also check out our other chart page:
Monetary Trends and Indicators

Charts offered in conjunction with the St. Louis Federal Reserve and the ICE Benchmark Administration

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